the 1920s and some from as late as the second half of the 1950s.
With 1953 being the cut-off point for possible claims to the creatorship of the
Margarita, it is time to turn our attention to earlier recipes, made with the
same ingredients, but with different names.
The earliest citation for a cocktail recipe that is comprised of Tequila,
Cointreau (i.e. Triple Sec), and lime juice is from 1937, and was listed in the
Cafe Royal Cocktail Book, by W. J. Tarling.
"Tequila Cocktail", "Tequila Sour", "Tequila Side car", "Tequila Fizz", "Tequila
Martini", "Tequila Gibson",
A Tequila Side-car is what most people categorise the Margarita cocktail as,
especially when trying to explain how cocktails develop over time.

"ALL THE BEST IN MEXICO", by Sidney Clark, 1949.
"...in Taxco, where a famous tequila cocktail called the "Bertha" is an
established feature of life..."
"The Bertha, made with lime juice and simple syrup, looks like a Tom Collins
but tastes remarkably like a Daiquiri."
In closing, no matter who you choose to believe actually invented the
Margarita, you are probably using your own preference as the actual recipe
that you serve to customers. Historical recipes are one thing, but the best
tasting recipe is usually a completely different story. Below is a table of
Margarita recipes and their proportions/ ratios:
3:2:1 = 6:4:2 (50% tequila, double as much Triple Sec than fresh lime juice).
3:1:1 = 6:2:2 (60% tequila, 20% Triple Sec, 20% fresh lime juice).
2:1:1 = 6:3:3 (50% tequila, 25% Triple Sec, 25% fresh lime juice).
1:1:1 = 6:6:6 (33% tequila, 33% Triple Sec, 33% fresh lime juice).
Check out the Margarita madness happy hour @ DiDis lounge bar on Dunas Douradas Beach Club Resort .
Also check out the Mexican Buffet night, featured in our Dunas Blog .
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